1. Jeff Hamilton
  2. Beta Testing
  3. Wednesday, 4 December 2024 16:50 PM UTC

In PowerBuilder 2025 Beta, the Database Profile offers the ability to connect to Oracle however the only option of connecting is using the TCP. Will the option to connect using the TNS Names file be offered? Also there does not appear to be a way to set the load balance and add in the options of the other load balanced servers. Will this be something in the future?

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Jeff Hamilton Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 4 December 2024 17:40 PM UTC
  2. Beta Testing
  3. # 1

Hello Chris,

thanks for the information but the problem becomes the following.

When using the TNS Name, the application can simply pass the TNS Name and it will be resolved in the TNSNames.ORA. This allows the Oracle DBA's to move server name and IP information around without telling the users. In the situation above, I will need to go and update the application then rebuild and redeploy. Also the DBA's at my company do not want to give out the TCP server info unless it is needed.

The main problem with the load balancing = yes is that you do not have the other servers specified.  This would be another reason to use TNS Name vice having to type in the 4+ servers the DBA's use for load balancing.

Also is the Oracle driver used in Powerbuilder the same Oracle driver used by Visual Studio for .net?

  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Wednesday, 4 December 2024 19:22 PM UTC
The "Service" name can be the name in the TNS file. For example as follows ...

SQLCA.servername = "@TNS:SHOPFLR"

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  1. Peter Pang @Appeon
  2. Thursday, 5 December 2024 01:30 AM UTC
Hi Jeff,

Also is the Oracle driver used in Powerbuilder the same Oracle driver used by Visual Studio for .net?

Answer:No, we provide a separate Oracle for .net driver, see the ADO.NET interface for details.



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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 4 December 2024 17:25 PM UTC
  2. Beta Testing
  3. # 2

Hi Jeff;

  If you still want to use the TNS approach, then fill out the following areas ...

Note that either way, the connection to the Oracle Server is via TCP/IP as the TNS just resolves to an IP Address as well.


For Load balancing, ....

Pooling MUST be ON & then ...

SQLCA.dbparm ="rtconnbalancing='Yes'"



Regards .. Chris

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