what is the way to define "from" in outlook application message.
for example from :tali@gmail.com
Oleobject lole_msg
lole_msg = CREATE OLEObject
lole_msg = lole_session.CreateItem(0)
lole_msg.Subject = as_subject
lole_msg.from - this is not working
the send and mail is ok but the "from" user is the current machine user
I used "SentOnBehalveOfName"
this is my code:
Oleobject lole_msg
lole_msg = CREATE OLEObject
lole_msg = lole_session.CreateItem(0)
ls_default_account = "xx@gmail.com"
lole_msg.SentOnBehalfOfName = ls_default_account
The email should be set up on the computer so that in Outlook you can select this box mail in the "from" section