1. Nish Ag
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Wednesday, 2 November 2022 05:26 AM UTC

I am trying to implement a webbrowser control and inside the webbrowser control I am trying to implement a way to collect value from the input field.


This is a test webpage I have setted up: https://stc.opensyscon.com.au/test.html


The code of the webpage is this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.1.min.js"></script>

function getIdValue(lid)
    var lret;

    lret = document.getElementById(lid).value;

    return lret;
    var lret;

    lret = getIdValue('fname');
    alert("Lret = " + lret);


    <body onload="autofill()">
        Test page
        <!--<button id="my_button" onclick="msg_box()">msg box</button>-->
            <label for="fname">First name:</label><br>
            <input type="text" id="fname" name="fname"><br>
        <script type"text/css">
            function msg_box()
                alert("I am an alert box!");
            function autofill()



And in powerbuilder (built on top of the demo code) here is a sample code:


Inside w_customers, ue_nav() event (this is being called as post event):

string lsret, ls_tagname
string webpage = "https://stc.opensyscon.com.au/test.html"

long ll_RootObject
long ll_item
JsonParser lnv_JsonParser
lnv_JsonParser = Create JsonParser

// Script to start navigation:
ib_navigate_called = FALSE
ib_navigate_started = FALSE

lsret = "start"

if wb_test.navigate(webpage) <> 1 then
    // give error message
end if


do while  lsRet <> "complete"
	wb_test.EvaluateJavaScriptSync("document.readyState", REF lsRet)
	ll_RootObject = lnv_JsonParser.GetRootItem()
	ll_item = lnv_JsonParser.GetChildItem(ll_RootObject, 2)
	ls_tagName = lnv_JsonParser.GetItemString(ll_item)

	if Pos(ls_tagName, '"complete"') = 0 then
	end if

ib_navigate_called = TRUE

string ls_Json, ls_error
//int result
//wb_test.EvaluateJavascriptSync('document.getElementById("my_button")', ls_Json, ls_error)

//wb_test.EvaluateJavascriptSync('document.getElementById("fname").value', ls_Json, ls_error)
wb_test.EvaluateJavascriptSync('getIdValue("fname")', ls_Json, ls_error)

messagebox("Debug", "ls_Json = " + ls_Json)

//if 1 = 2 then
//	wb_test.Navigate(webpage)
//end if


Inside the webborwser control I have got two events:



// We need to know it has really started navigating before we try to determine whether it has finished
if ib_navigate_called then ib_navigate_started = TRUE



// Navigation has been started. If it indicates 100 percent finished, check the document.readyState.
// If that is "complete", print the PDF file.

string lsRet
string webpage = "https://stc.opensyscon.com.au/test.html"

if NOT ib_navigate_started then return

if progressindex < 100 then return

EvaluateJavaScriptSync("document.readyState", REF lsRet)
if Pos(lsRet, '"complete"') = 0 then
end if
ib_navigate_started = FALSE // prevent recursion & thus doing any following steps twice

// now do whatever you need to do, it should be fully loaded!

string ls_Json, ls_error
int result

//wb_test.EvaluateJavascriptSync('document.getElementById("my_button")', ls_Json, ls_error)
//wb_test.EvaluateJavascriptSync('document.getIdValue("fname")', ls_Json, ls_error)
//if 1 = 2 then
//	wb_test.Navigate(webpage)
//end if


Unfortunately the navigationprogressindex() event never gets called so I don't know what is up with that.


And in the ue_nav() event, I am getting value from ls_json only if I run through the debugger however running without the debugger it returns nothing.


I am trying to follow this guide:




However I don't know how to get navigationprogressindex() to work or if there is an alternative way to get the value of the input field into ls_json?

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