1. Gastón Clara
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Monday, 16 December 2024 17:57 PM UTC


In our company, we are using a translation DLL in order to get values for different languages. Our latest client is from Finland, so we need to translate the system to finish. 

From the DLL we get a converted string like this "Olet valinnut MRI-haun, mutta et ole määrittänyt hakuehtoja.~n~rVoit etsiä koko tietokannasta..." into a variable, then we assign this variable to the Text property of a multilineedit object. It seems that the control is not able to recognize the "~n~r" in order to add a new line when renderizing. We would like to have the message splited into two different lines.

It's strange, if I direclty assing a string with  "~n~r" then it is correctly shown on the screen.

Is there something I can do to correctly display string recovered from the DLL (or database)?



Gastón Clara Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 17 December 2024 09:40 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

I finally get to a workaround. I just pre-process the string before assign it to the MLE.


ls_string = Replace(inv_errorattrib.is_text, pos(inv_errorattrib.is_text, "~~r~~n"), 4, CHAR(13)+CHAR(10))
ls_string = Replace(inv_errorattrib.is_text, pos(inv_errorattrib.is_text, "~~t"), 3, CHAR(9))

That code make the trick.



  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 17 December 2024 13:32 PM UTC
Hi Gastón;

Thanks for providing the solution. I've never seen this requirement before with the double tildes but I wonder if it's because of the language / translation features in effect.

Glad that you found a solution!

Regards ... Chris
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John Fauss Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 16 December 2024 20:26 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Hi, Gastón -

Have you verified that the DLL is returning a Carriage-Return/New-Line (~r~n) sequence, not simply a New-Line character?

What encoding is used for the string that is returned from the DLL? PB uses Unicode 16LE encoding internally.

Best regards, John

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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 16 December 2024 20:19 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 3

Hi Gaston;

  Try "~r~r" instead.  HTH

Regards ... Chris 

  1. Gastón Clara
  2. Tuesday, 17 December 2024 09:01 AM UTC
Nothing Chris, still the same error. But now the string looks like this:

"Olet valinnut MRI-haun, mutta et ole määrittänyt hakuehtoja.~r~rVoit etsiä koko tietokannasta, mutta tämän hakeminen voi kestää useita minuutteja. Voit nopeuttaa hakua merkittävästi antamalla osittaisen sukunimen, sukupuolen, yksikön numeron tai osittaisen sukunimen ja syntymäajan.~r~rHaluatko antaa lisätietoja?"

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