Beginning today, DEV azure stopped to support TLS 1.0 & 1.1 https://devblogs.microsoft.com/devops/deprecating-weak-cryptographic-standards-tls-1-0-and-tls-1-1-in-azure-devops/#:~:text=Per%20Microsoft's%20position%20to%20protect,minimum%20from%20January%2031%2C%202022.
Unfortunately, it seems that MSSCCI use the TLS 1.0 protocol
MSSCCI is the tool that allow us to connect the Power Builder application to the source control (TFS), so now it broke and developers cannot check out and check in their code.
One alternative to is upgrade to GIT (from 2017 R3) but it pricy, very pricy for product that is on production.
Is there any other alternative, beside GIT?