Hi ,
I am working with MS sql 2008 ( and above ) with pb12.5 ( and now will be 2017 ) classic , Windows 7 , 10 (64 bit , 32 bit machines
Why the datawindow is saved to the data base with the max length for each field full with spaces ?
Even if i put NULL for all fields every time i opened a new row for each dw
It happens only for string type fields
This is unlike Sybase Sql Anywhere where the data was saved only what the user wrote in the the dw fields
that forces me to review all dw and put the Trim() function to all computed fields which uses string type fields
There is a way to solve it
Thanks but it still does not work.
my string is - SQLCA.DBParm = "Namespace='System.Data.SqlClient',DataSource='" + dbserver_name + "',TrustedConnection=1,Database='"+ database_name + "'" + "Delimitdentifier='NO'" + "," + "TrimSpaces='1'"
the connection is via ADO.Net
but with SS it not working too.
by the way , the parameter - Delimitdentifier='NO' its not working as well , means , if i put the " sign in the dw syntax i am getting erorr message while retrieve
any ideas ?
It works , the digit 1 after the = sign does not need the ' sign before and after the digit
I wrote : TrimSpaces='1' and it does not work , but : TrimSpaces=1= works
Thanks a lot