Looking at your code "...pfc_pagesetup()..." it seems you're working with pfc classes.
I'm assuming that you want "lw_frame" to be a reference to the mdi frame window of your application, if I'm wrong and it's not an mdi frame window but maybe a normal sheet window or response window, then the name is confusing and things will be different.
So assuming it's the mdi frame of your application:
To refer to the mdi frame window you'll have to do
w_frame lw_frame
lw_frame = gnv_app.of_getFrame()
lw_frame.Title = "I'm a Framed window with a changed title."
... or if your framewindow is named w_thecompany, then
w_thecompany lw_frame
lw_frame = gnv_app.of_getFrame()
lw_frame.Title = "I'm a Framed window with a changed title."
(lots of times people will assign the result of gnv_app.of_getFrame() to a global variable of called gw_frame or similar, so they don't have to call the function all the time everywhere they want to refer to the frame window. I you have that variable and it's valid ( Isvalid(gw_frame) ), then you can use that one instead:
if not isvalid(gw_frame) then
gw_frame = gnv_app.of_getFrame()
end if
gw_frame.Title = "I'm a Framed window with a changed title."
or ...
2) You might even get away with simply directly referring to the w_thecompany window like this
w_thecompany.Title = "I'm a Framed window with a changed title."
(so without using a local lw_frame variable or assignment to it at all. This will work for windows of which only ONE can be open at the same time, so it "won't work" for sheets which can have multiple instances).
I'm not too sure though that your mdi frame window really would be named w_thecompany, but I could be wrong.