I'm doing test pbc190 and pb2019.
In case of deploying in pb2019 by incremental, only updated pbl and pbd are updated.
But in case of pbc190 by incremental, all pbls and pbds are updated.
Is it bug of pbc190?
I want to update only modified date of updated pbl & pbd.
How can I do?
Nobody knows?
Thanks in advance.
You're right. I have same problems.
What does a new Support Ticket means?
Not yet purchased. Before purchasing, I'm testing functions I want.
If you discover what looks to be a genuine "bug" in any Appeon product, you can create a free "Support Ticket" that is open to the Appeon Support Team. They will verify if the issue as a legitimate bug and if so, inform the Engineering Team of the problem and then request a fix. You will then be able to track the bug and will be informed when Appeon releases an MR or "revision" that addresses this problem.
Regards ... Chris