1. Michael Hartnett
  2. PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
  3. Wednesday, 21 April 2021 14:03 PM UTC

Hi All,

It is a year since I last asked a question about Audio Capture using Powerserver Mobile.  The initial request in our App was put on hold but has once again to the fore.  Unfortunately, I have not had any luck implementing audio recording using Powerserver Mobile.

Originally, I was advised to use the Appeon Cordova Plugin Solution (https://docs.appeon.com/ps2020/workarounds_and_api_guide/cordova_plugins.html)

This entailed connecting and using cordova-plugin-media-capture to attempt to implement our request.  At the time I had no luck and even now it still does not work.

I have attached Images of the screen when I call the Audio Capture function

ls_return = ieon_ole.captureAudio("@we_success","@we_error","{duration:30}")

The Cordova plugin is meant to provide an inbuilt UI for iOS, but all it displays is a grey bar with a 'done' link on it (see AudioCaptureIOS.jpg).  Clicking this returns a failure code (see AudioCaptureIOSFailure.jpg).

Running the same within Android does start the default Voice Recording App, but this returns nothing to the Appeon App.

We also now have a new request to be able to play audio files within our mobile app from a web URL.

Has anyone had any success implementing an audio capture using Powerserver Mobile on either iOS or Android?

Does anyone have a working sample?

Is it possible to stream and audio file from a URL, instead of having to download it locally?



Attachments (2)

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