Cordial Saludo
Me gustaría saber si alguien tiene un ejemplo de como publicar datos en un Mapa, por medio de Power Builder.
Agradezco su atención.
Cordial Saludo
Me gustaría saber si alguien tiene un ejemplo de como publicar datos en un Mapa, por medio de Power Builder.
Agradezco su atención.
Gracias Luis
Buenas tardes Le envio los fuentes del Video demo
Luis Ávilán
Dora Sistemas explains it all quite nicely with their Youtube video. Regretfully, the link to their source code doesn´t work anymore. So the best advice I can give you, is to go to the LeafLet page and read the documentation there: or contact Dora Sistemas
I agree with John.
BTW: Didn't you ask the same question previously?
Chris gave you a good suggestion, but I don't see much feedback from you.
Use the new webbrowser control and figure out how to do things like that using javascript. There must be tons of examples.
Hi, Efrain -
Si desea recibir respuestas útiles, le sugiero que explique con mayor detalle lo que desea lograr.
[You've asked a very general question with no details, which makes it very difficult for anyone to know how to respond.
If you want to receive helpful responses, I suggest you explain in greater detail what you are wanting to accomplish.]