PB 2017 R3, 1915 with Postgresql 11.6, Postgresql ODBC Driver(Unicode) 11.01
1. Open a datawindow in the datawindow painter.
2. Click the Datasource.
3. Design - Conver to Syntex.
4. [Mis Spell] Type a field name.
5. Close the data source window.
Without reporting any error, that window get's closed. After the closure of the window, we get the error message. We find only the last saved query when we try to correct the mistyped fields, by opening the data source again.
Why this is not reporting error, before closing the window?
This issue is not there when we use SQL Server with SNC driver or OLE-DB driver. It reports an error and we get a chance to correct those errors before closing the window.
Why there is a change in behaviour?
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash