1. Hannu Pikkarainen
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Thursday, 5 April 2018 08:50 AM UTC


Could someone advice me how to access JSON-data in deeper levels, for example street and area in this example data. I'm able to read upper level like location and formatted_address but how to access child data of address_components?


"results": [


"location": "POINT (24.937573 60.160291)",

"address_components": {

"street": "Merimiehenkatu",

"area": "Uusimaa",

"country": "Finland",

"street_nbr": "29",

"post_office": "Helsinki",

"postal_code": "00150",

"country_code": "FI"


"formatted_address": "Merimiehenkatu 29, Helsinki, 00150 Uusimaa, Finland",

"location_type": "POINT"



"location": "POINT (-79.906981 42.991202)",

"address_components": {

"street": "Fourth Line",

"area": "Ontario",

"country": "Canada",

"street_nbr": "00150",

"post_office": "Byng",

"postal_code": "N3W 2G2",

"country_code": "CA"


"formatted_address": "00150 Fourth Line, Byng, Ontario N3W 2G2, Canada",

"location_type": "POINT"



"location": "POINT (21.483384 61.140578)",

"address_components": {

"street": "Merimiehenkatu",

"area": "Satakunta",

"country": "Finland",

"street_nbr": "29",

"post_office": "Rauma",

"postal_code": "26100",

"country_code": "FI"


"formatted_address": "Merimiehenkatu 29, Rauma, 26100 Satakunta, Finland",

"location_type": "POINT"



"location": "POINT (22.954244 59.836179)",

"address_components": {

"street": "Merimiehenkatu",

"area": "Uusimaa",

"country": "Finland",

"street_nbr": "29",

"post_office": "Hanko",

"postal_code": "10900",

"country_code": "FI"


"formatted_address": "Merimiehenkatu 29, Hanko, 10900 Uusimaa, Finland",

"location_type": "POINT"



"location": "POINT (21.401145 60.802559)",

"address_components": {

"street": "Merimiehenkatu",

"area": "Varsinais-Suomi",

"country": "Finland",

"street_nbr": "29",

"post_office": "Uusikaupunki",

"postal_code": "23500",

"country_code": "FI"


"formatted_address": "Merimiehenkatu 29, Uusikaupunki, 23500 Varsinais-Suomi, Finland",

"location_type": "POINT"




BR, Hannu

Accepted Answer
Bruce Armstrong Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 5 April 2018 17:44 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink
 string          ls_pathname, ls_filename, ls_key, ls_key2, ls_value, ls_key3  
 long          ll_root, ll_index, ll_count, ll_level1, ll_index2, ll_count2, ll_child, ll_count3, ll_index3, ll_child2, ll_child3, ll_count4, ll_index4  
 JSONParser jp  
 JsonItemType it, it2  
 jp = CREATE JSONParser  
 GetFileOpenName ( "Select JSON file", ls_pathname, ls_filename )  
 jp.LoadFile ( ls_pathname )  
 ll_root = jp.GetRootItem()  
 ll_count = jp.GetChildCount(ll_root)  
 for ll_index = 1 to ll_count  
      ls_key = jp.GetChildKey(ll_root, ll_index)  
      ll_level1 = jp.GetItemArray ( ll_root, ls_key )  
      ll_count2 = jp.GetChildCount(ll_level1)  
      FOR ll_index2 = 1 to ll_count2  
           ll_child = jp.GetChildItem ( ll_level1, ll_index2 )  
           ll_count3 = jp.GetChildCount(ll_child)  
           FOR ll_index3 = 1 TO ll_count3  
                ll_child2 = jp.GetChildItem ( ll_child, ll_index3 )  
                ls_key2 = jp.GetChildKey ( ll_child, ll_index3 )  
                it = jp.GetItemType ( ll_child2 )  
                CHOOSE CASE it  
                     CASE JsonStringItem!  
                          ls_value = jp.GetItemString ( ll_child2 )  
                          MessageBox ( ls_key2, ls_value )  
                     CASE JsonNumberItem!  
                     CASE JsonBooleanItem!  
                     CASE JsonNullItem!  
                     CASE JsonObjectItem!  
                          ll_count4 = jp.GetChildCount(ll_child2)  
                          FOR ll_index4 = 1 TO ll_count4  
                               ll_child3 = jp.GetChildItem ( ll_child2, ll_index4 )  
                               ls_key3 = jp.GetChildKey ( ll_child2, ll_index4 )  
                               it2 = jp.GetItemType ( ll_child3 )  
                               CHOOSE CASE it2  
                                    CASE JsonStringItem!  
                                         ls_value = jp.GetItemString ( ll_child3 )  
                                         MessageBox ( ls_key2 + ' - ' + ls_key3, ls_value )  
                                    CASE JsonNumberItem!  
                                    CASE JsonBooleanItem!  
                                    CASE JsonNullItem!  
                                    CASE JsonObjectItem!  
                                    CASE JsonArrayItem!  
                               END CHOOSE  
                     CASE JsonArrayItem!  
                END CHOOSE  
  1. Hannu Pikkarainen
  2. Friday, 6 April 2018 10:23 AM UTC
Thanks Bruce,

Exactly what I was looking for.

BR, Hannu

  1. Helpful
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