1. Pbuser12 Ateikon
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Tuesday, 12 December 2023 08:06 AM UTC

Dear friends,



  I want to do the Json into structures in the powerbuilder.How can i do .can you share me any videos on this exercise .


example for convert json into structute:


{ "getSupersessionResponse": { "returnCode": { "code": "00", "description": "OK" }, "partList": [ { "partNumber": "73175964", "partReturnCode": "00", "partReturnDescription": "OK", "partDescription": "FILTER, ENGINE OIL", "substitutionList": [ { "subFrom": "75311163", "subFromDescription": "FILTER, ENGINE OIL", "subTo": "73175964", "subToDescription": "FILTER, ENGINE OIL", "subType": "S", "subQuantity": 1, "reverseSub": false }, { "subFrom": "73175964", "subFromDescription": "FILTER, ENGINE OIL", "subTo": "76192087", "subToDescription": "FILTER, ENGINE OIL", "subType": "S", "subQuantity": 1, "reverseSub": true } ], "subAvailabilityList": [ { "partAvail": "73175964", "warehouseList": [ { "whCode": 4, "whDescription": "ATLANTA", "available_qty": 100 }, { "whCode": 28, "whDescription": "PORTLAND", "available_qty": 100 } ] }, { "partAvail": "75311163", "warehouseList": [ { "whCode": 4, "whDescription": "ATLANTA", "available_qty": 0 }, { "whCode": 28, "whDescription": "PORTLAND", "available_qty": 0 } ] }, { "partAvail": "76192087", "warehouseList": [ { "whCode": 4, "whDescription": "ATLANTA", "available_qty": 0 }, { "whCode": 28, "whDescription": "PORTLAND", "available_qty": 0 } ] } ] }, { "partNumber": "10020TEST", "partReturnCode": "PMDE0001", "partReturnDescription": "Part Number does not exist or empty field" } ] }, "error": null, "isSuccess": true }

Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 12 December 2023 17:42 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi PBUser;

  You would use PB's built-in JSONParser object for that ...


Examples: https://docs.appeon.com/pb2022/application_techniques/ch04s07s02.html


Regards ... Chris

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