Using PB 2017 R3,
Trying to import a JSON file created by a third party, into a datawindow. The siva2.rar (attached) opens well in Notepad++, with proper plugins. Notepad ++ displays the data perfectly.
Now, when I try to import with either
ll_RowCount = dw_1.ImportJsonByKey(ls_Json, ls_error) Or
ll_rowcount = dw_1.ImportJsON(ls_json, ls_error)
Messagebox('Rows', ll_rowcount)
I get error -5 - Invalid JSON Format
Looks like the format is not as expected by ImportJSON* functions.
Tried reading the JSON file using JSONParser and calling a recursive function to read all the values. I could read all the values, but struck when to add a row to a datawindow and fill all required values. Could not arrive a logic to fill all columns by inserting a row (at what point).
Any help in transferring this json data into datawindow, if possible with codesnippet, will be very much helpful.
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash