I am using fileservice for powerserver by uploading PDF files. The pdf file is only working in IOS devices and Android devices show 0 bytes. Can anyone help?
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- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- Issue with fileservice
- Winston Bautista
- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- Wednesday, 11 September 2019 06:35 AM UTC
- Thursday, 12 September 2019 05:45 AM UTC
- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- # 1
Dear Chris,
Thank you for your reply….
What version of Android are you using?
Android Version 9
What version of PowerServer are you using?
Appeon Powerserver 2019 Build 1988.00
What version of AWS are you using?
64 Bit and Comes with the Powerserver
Can you show us your File Upload code?
eon_mobile_awsex lnv_aws
eon_mobile_str_mailcontent lstr_content
AppeonFileService fileservice
fileservice = create AppeonFileService
long ll_count
string ls_recipient[]
string ls_cc[]
string ls_bcc[]
string ls_attachmentfile[]
integer li_re
string ls_file, ls_filename
String ls_filepath
Integer li_return
String ls_Object
String ls_url
String ls_customer_email
String ls_cc_email
String ls_sales_person_email
String ls_supervisor_email
String ls_manager_email
String ls_one_plus_one_email
long ll_re
string info
sTring ls_os_type
ls_os_type = upper(left(AppeonGetOSType ( ),3))
select ISNULL(email,'')
into :ls_customer_email
from vw_customer_list a with (nolock),
MOB_SALES_RETURN b with (nolock)
and REF_NO = :is_ref_no;
select isnull(( select email from sales_person_email where sales_person_id = a.SALES_PERSON_ID),'oneplusone@lifco-international.com') ,
isnull(( select email from supervisor_email where supervisor_code = b.supervisor_code),'oneplusone@lifco-international.com') ,
isnull(( select email from manager_email where manager_code = b.manager_code),'oneplusone@lifco-international.com') ,
into :ls_sales_person_email
from mob_sales_return a,
sales_person b
and ref_no = :is_ref_no;
//if not (isnull(sle_email.text) or sle_email.text = '' ) then
// ls_customer_email = sle_email.text
//end if
lnv_aws = create eon_mobile_awsex
lstr_content.s_subject = sle_subject.text
lstr_content.s_notetext = sle_body.text
ls_recipient[1] = sle_email.text // Customer
ls_cc[1] = ls_one_plus_one_email
if not( isnull(ls_sales_person_email) or ls_sales_person_email = '') then
ls_cc[2] = ls_sales_person_email
end if
if not( isnull(ls_supervisor_email) or ls_supervisor_email = '') then
ls_cc[3] = ls_supervisor_email
end if
if not( isnull(ls_manager_email) or ls_manager_email = '') then
ls_cc[4] = ls_manager_email
end if
if ls_os_type = 'IOS' THEN
ls_file = 'mail.pdf'
dw_1.saveas( 'mail.pdf', PDF!, True)
ls_file = is_ref_no+".pdf"
dw_1.saveas(ls_file, PDF!, True)
ls_file = 'mail.pdf'
dw_1.saveas( 'mail.pdf', PDF!, True)
ls_file = is_ref_no+".pdf"
dw_1.saveas(ls_file, PDF!, True)
End if
if ls_os_type = 'IOS' then
ls_attachmentfile[1] = appeongetcachedir() + "/plugin/mail.pdf"
//ls_attachmentfile[1] = appeongetcachedir() + "/plugin/"+ls_file
ls_attachmentfile[1] = appeongetcachedir() + "/plugin/"+ls_file
end if
li_re = lnv_aws.of_sendmail (lstr_content, ls_recipient, ls_cc, ls_bcc, ls_attachmentfile)
// Upload file to server
Messagebox("Success","Email Sent..")
ls_filepath =ls_file
ll_re = fileservice.of_logonfileserver ("", 8081, "username=lifco;password=lifco")
if ll_re = 0 then
info = "Logon to file server is successful."
elseif ll_re = 1 then
info = "Failed to connect to the file server."
Messagebox( "ll_re="+string(ll_re),info)
info = "Failed to connect to the file server."
Messagebox( "ll_re="+string(ll_re),info)
end if
// ls_url = fileservice.of_appeonupload (ls_attachmentfile[1],"upload",true, ll_re)
if ls_os_type = 'IOS' THEN
ls_url = fileservice.of_appeonupload (ls_filepath,"upload",true, ll_re)
//ls_filename = appeongetcachedir() +ls_file
// ls_url = fileservice.of_appeonupload (ls_filepath,"upload",true, ll_re) // blank pdf
//ls_url = fileservice.of_appeonupload ( ls_attachmentfile[1] ,"upload",true, ll_re) // blank pdf
ls_filename =ls_file
ls_url = fileservice.of_appeonupload ( ls_filename ,"upload",true, ll_re) // blank pdf
end if
update mob_sales_return
set pdf_file = :ls_url
where ref_no = :is_ref_no;
if ll_re = 0 then
info = "Upload is successful."
elseif ll_re = 1 then
info = "Failed to upload the file."
info = "Other errors."
end if
if ll_re = 0 then
Messagebox("Success","PDF File Uploaded")
end if
ll_re = fileservice.of_logofffileserver ( )
destroy fileservice
- Wednesday, 11 September 2019 14:54 PM UTC
- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- # 2
Hi Winston;
Can you tell us ...
- What version of Android are you using?
- What version of PowerServer are you using?
- What version of AWS are you using?
- Can you show us your File Upload code?
Regards ... Chris
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