Sivaprakash BKR
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 30 April 2021 06:01 AM UTC
Using PB 2017R3, PostgreSQL 11
With the following query, we create a datawindow at runtime and issue few modify statements to format the datawindow.
Since the query is from multi-tables, we expect the table name(s) to get prefixed with the column name. eg b.accountnamesubbranchpk will be gl_account_name_sub_branch_accountnamesubbranchpk ...
THIS IS NOT THE CASE for few databases... We tested with 5 databases, all with the same structure, created at different point of time [ all PostgreSQL only]. When we run the below query, in few database we get the field name prefixed with table name and NOT for few database(s). In those database the following modify command fails.
Can anyone shed some light on why and on what conditions the 'table prefix ' won't be there ?
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash
// Query to Pass
ls_sql = " Select '' as hand, a.accountnamesubbranchpk, b.accountnumber, b.accountsubname, a.billbranchname "
ls_sql += " From gl_account_name_sub_branch a "
ls_sql += " Join gl_account_name_sub b "
ls_sql += " On b.accountnamesubpk = a.accountnamesubfk "
ls_sql += " Where b.accountsubtype in ('S', 'U', 'P') "
ls_sql += " Order by b.accountsubname, a.billbranchname "
// Column to hide
ls_hidden_colname[1] = 'gl_account_name_sub_branch_accountnamesubbranchpk'
ls_hidden_colname[2] = 'selection'
// Pass parameters
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwsql(ls_sql, ls_hidden_colname)
// Retrieve data
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_postretrieve_process('') // Should be set before retrieve
// Column heading and width settings
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify('gl_account_name_sub_branch_accountnamesubbranchpk.Width = 0')
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify("gl_account_name_sub_accountnumber_t.Text = '" + 'Sup. No.' + "'")
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify("gl_account_name_sub_accountsubname_t.Text = '" + 'Supplier Name' + "'")
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify("gl_account_name_sub_branch_billbranchname_t.Text = '" + 'Branch' + "'")
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify("hand_t.Height = '" + '200' + "'")
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify("gl_account_name_sub_accountnumber_t.Height = '" + '200' + "'")
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify("gl_account_name_sub_branch_billbranchname_t.Height = '" + '200' + "'")
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify("gl_account_name_sub_accountsubname_t.Height = '" + '200' + "'")
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify("datawindow.header.Height = '" + '230' + "'")
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify('gl_account_name_sub_accountnumber.Width = 800')
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify('gl_account_name_sub_accountsubname.Width = 3000')
tab_1.tabpage_1.uo_account.of_set_dwmodify('gl_account_name_sub_branch_billbranchname.Width = 1750')
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