Appson,Is there any plan to directly support SQLite? NOT ODBC
Appson,Is there any plan to directly support SQLite? NOT ODBC
I agree with Joseph. We use SQLite for mobile apps offline functionality as well PB desktop apps (connecting via SQLCA). SQLite db is quite stable and quick (even supports triggers).
To confirm, Powerbuilder can connect to an SQLite db via ODBC (32 bit and 64 bit) correct? There are no plans for PowerBuilder to connect directly to an SQLite database?
In my spare time I'm going to build a mobile app with a local database and back-end sync to a server/cloud database. Trying to decide the best local database to use.
Thanks, sqlite is very important for offline database,especially for a cloud software,we can use powerbuilder develop a local software with sqlite offline database and it can sync to cloud database,in chinese powerbuilder community,some developers had developed sqlite directly support for powerbuilder use pbni , but not support datastore or datawindow,i hope appeon can support sqlite in furture @Armeen Mazda
We have no plans at this point to support SQLite for desktop app deployment. For mobile deployment it is already supported. We see far greater use cases/demand for SQLite on mobile device than on desktop, but we'll keep monitoring the situation.
Have you created pbodb***.ini entries for SQLite? If yes, please share.
I have played around with this:
It is an ODBC driver with the SQLite code built in so it is straight forward to set up.
Would like to know whether database transactions work as expected, with Commit and Rollback, when (sqlite) used in Desktop apps? Can u share how you connect with sqlite database?
We are experimenting here with odbc driver in 64 bit PB apps.
In my comment i meant ODBC (sqlca obvious). Most of the work on is on mobile devices and we use connection below. We use straight forward ODBC connection with autocommit on. The same on desktop but not much DB work is done on desktop app.
// Profile for sqlite offline connection (PS2020, build 2797)
SQLCA.AutoCommit = True
SQLCA.DBParm = "ConnectString='DSN=mysqliteodbc;UID=;PWD='; EnabledLocalDB='true'"
connect using SQLCA;
if SQLCA.sqlcode <> 0 then
messagebox("Connection Error", SQLCA.sqlerrtext)
return -1
end if
We use a similar (DSN-Less) connection and have been facing issues in multiple dw/ds update for few windows, with database transaction enabled.