Thank you Mark, John and Roland!
This was definitely a research project! All the different versions and configurations of Outlook was getting tough to decipher. In the end, I decided on Mark's solution 2...
Here's the code now... it's in the pfc_postopen event. ue_no_email disables the email options on the window and notifies the user.
//Check to see if the Outlook "bitness" matches the BT "bitness"
string ls_directory, ls_path
integer li_rc, li_BtBitness, li_Outlook
ulong ll_OutlookBitness
boolean lb_rc
environment lenv_object
li_rc = RegistryGet ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\OUTLOOK.EXE", &
"Path", RegString!, ls_directory)
if (li_rc = -1) then
this.Post Event ue_no_email()
lb_rc = GetBinaryTypeW( ls_directory + "\OUTLOOK.EXE", ll_OutlookBitness)
if lb_rc = FALSE then
this.Post Event ue_no_email()
elseif ll_OutlookBitness = 0 then
ll_OutlookBitness = 32
elseif ll_OutlookBitness = 6 then
ll_OutlookBitness = 64
end if
GetEnvironment (lenv_object)
li_BtBitness = lenv_object.processbitness
if li_BtBitness <> ll_OutlookBitness then
this.Post Event ue_no_email()
end if
end if
In the application object I declared the global external function: FUNCTION boolean GetBinaryTypeW( string lpApplicationName, ref ulong lpBinaryType) LIBRARY "kernel32.dll". I don't know what versions of Windows all my customers are using, Probably Win7 - Win11, but some old farts might still be running XP !!! lol!
Again, I'm very grateful
The minimum desktop version of Windows that supports the GetBinaryTypeW API function is Windows XP. For servers it is Windows Server 2003.