1. Jeff Cutler
  2. SnapDevelop
  3. Friday, 12 November 2021 00:07 AM UTC

I am using the SnapDevelop 2021 Powerscript to C# migrator tool.  I received the not supported errors on the CrypterObject. as shown below:

// [ERROR0008] Translation of the enum value(AES!) is not supported.
// [ERROR0008] Translation of the enum value(OperationModeEBC!) is not supported.
// [ERROR0008] Translation of the enum value(DefaultPadding!) is not supported.
lblb_encrypt = lnv_CrypterObject.SymmetricEncrypt(AES!, lblb_data, lblb_key, OperationModeEBC!, lblb_iv, DefaultPadding!);

Does anyone know the numeric values of the enumerations used with the SymmetricEncryption function?

Is is CrypterObject support for use inside a C# Rest API inside SnapDevelop?




Armeen Mazda @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 12 November 2021 00:40 AM UTC
  2. SnapDevelop
  3. # 1

Crypter Object is not supported.  C# provides its own functions for this. I'm not a C# programmer so can't tell you exactly how to code this.  Sorry.

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Francisco Martinez @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 12 November 2021 14:53 PM UTC
  2. SnapDevelop
  3. # 2

Hi Jeff,

There was a similar question a while ago. I'll link you to it: https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/encrypt-decrypt-pb-to-c?limitstart=0#reply-29522

Basically, C# has its own cryptographic key generator

Hope this helps.


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