Using PB19 Universal - Xcode on Mac V10.3
unable to compile/build an iPAD app in Xcode (On mac ). I converted one small app for Mobile(Tablet only), went through the process that creates files for Xcode project.
the following two errors:
/Users/msiddiqui/Downloads/hicamstickets/HiCAMS Tickets/EonNativeApp/en.lproj/MainStoryboard_iPad.storyboard:-1: Failed to find or create execution context for description ' System content for IBIPadFramework-EightAndLater scaleFactor=2x'. These intermediate objects were non-nil: (
/Users/msiddiqui/Downloads/hicamstickets/HiCAMS Tickets/EonNativeApp/en.lproj/MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard:-1: Failed to find or create execution context for description ' System content for IBCocoaTouchFramework-EightAndLater scaleFactor=2x'. These intermediate objects were non-nil: (
installed app directly via Xcode to connected iPAD successfully.