Hi John;
You can get a comprehensive list of the required run-time DLL's for ay PB App from the PB IDE's Help system. Just search for the keyword "deployment" to get the required file list. The other approach could be to use the "Packager" utility that comes with PB 2017 Rx that creates an MSI installation file for the PB run-time DLL's (either 32 bit, 64 bit or both). Then create your own copy of that DLL's list for your PB App deployments.
The only other consideration is the list of DLL's that need to be registered in the GAC after the copy. You can easily see these on the PB developers PC by using the following command in the DOS Command window ... gacutil /l >GAC_DLL_List.txt
From that list - paying attention to any entry that starts with "Sybase.DataWindow.xxxx" and " Sybase.PowerBuilder.xxxx" - then create the necessary registry entries for the GAC registration and placement for those DLL's.
Regards ... Chris