I am working on some of features available in Appeon (PowerBuilder 2019) for upgrading from the old version. I need some information/help for the following topics
- Converting Blob into string
- I am encrypting the plain text using “SymmetricEncrypt” method which returns blob, when I convert the blob into string it returns garbage e.g. “礽郼⊵ꩩ䁥鯺ꇃ”. I need to save these encrypted values in text file. Please provide some solution. Thanks. Example is also given below
Blob blb_encrypt, blb_data
String s_data
lb_data = Blob(string(ls_data), EncodingANSI!)
blb_encrypt = lnv_CrypterObject.SymmetricEncrypt(AES!, blb_data, blb_key,OperationModeCBC!, lblb_iv, PKCSPadding!)
ls_data = string(lblb_encrypt,EncodingUTF16LE!)
i need to convert ls_data into a normal string, so that i can store it in some text file and decrypt it while connecting to DB server. - s
- I am encrypting the plain text using “SymmetricEncrypt” method which returns blob, when I convert the blob into string it returns garbage e.g. “礽郼⊵ꩩ䁥鯺ꇃ”. I need to save these encrypted values in text file. Please provide some solution. Thanks. Example is also given below
- Saving the docx into Database using Blob
- Previously we were using “.doc” format for documents printing using blob for both saving and fetching the templates from Database (SQL 2014). But now we need to use the “.docx” format, while loading the “docx” to blob it returns garbage value. We need to save the “docx” to Database and then use the same template for printing using PowerBuilder