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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
PowerBuilder 12.1, b7055PowerBuilder 2019R3, b2703SummaryI need a way to pass PowerBuilder data from one PB app to another, separate PB app. DetailsI discovered that our invoice production process was literally 5 times slower in PB2019R3 than in PB1...
We recently upgraded from PB 12.6 to PB 2019 R3 (yes, we're a bit slow).Like some others, we too are experiencing a drastic reduction in performance.Opening some windows takes double the time of what they used to. A specific composite datawindow now ...
Hi In our experience, we never deployed pb system tables such as dbo.pbcattbl with our application developed by PB before. But our customer found some DB error messages through MS SQL Profiler: SQL:BatchStarting select pbd_fhgt, pbd_fwgt, p...
Hi Our application development is based on 2019 r3. I ran into a crash/exception running the application. The crash occurs in the C external function defined as : function long ShellExecuteA( ulong hWnd, string Operation, string lpFile, string lpPa...
Dear All,  Today 1 user reported that system pops up the error message "Error Number 39" below when she attempted to save data.  This victim reported that this error message pops up intermittently, sometimes encountered several occurrences in one d...
  Hi, I have managed to implement this successfully on development pc. The testing of 64 bit .pbd is also sucecessful. However, the deployment of this to 64 bit client pc return (smtpDisconnect) returns code -99 - timeout.   May I please have a...
Hi,  I am using PB 2019 R3.  Can UI Themes directory and its files be added to the resource file for deployment?  Thank You....
For PB 2017R2, when a DW Update() is executed and there are inserts, updates and deletes being performed, is there a predefined sequence of how the SQL statements will be generated and executed?  Or, is there a way to order the SQL?...
Hello, Just migrated to 2019 R3 from 2019 R2 and I found an issue when exporting a report to NativePDF.  This worked correctly in 2019 R2.  Now in R3 when I export a report to PDF where the printing is right up to the right margin but not over it, i...
Hi team, I tried PDF method as NativePDF! but computed fields are not showing and design also not matching? Could you please advise on this request? Basically we are trying, with out ghostscript & pdf craeater save to PDF just like shown to th...
  I installed a trial version of PB 2021 CloudPro and am trying to check how it works. I made a migration of a regular application from 2019 to 2021, created a PowerServer project, did Build & Deploy, then Compile & Run Web APIs, but aft...
We are upgrading to R3 and are having issues with the SQL server bit data type and the MSOLEDBSQL driver.  These issues were not occurring with the SNC driver. For example, we have a column in a datawindow declared as 'number', with an Edit style of...
I have my code uploaded to Git repository. How can I update that Git repostory from local PBL files that are not synced with Git? What are the steps to regenerate ws_objects folder and push it to overwrite master repository? I am OK with  losing my ...
Hi All, I have a menu in my application, to which I am adding some new toolbar items (with icons). I am having an issue where some new icons that I am adding, are not appearing when I deploy the application to the clients PC's ? The icons appear O...
I know this is an older version of infomaker, it was inherited during a company acquisition . We plan on upgrading this in the near future but are uncertain how to get the editing user to edit reports in database without giving them sysadmin rights o...
I installed trial versions of PowerBuilder 2019 and related Appeon tools to evaluate its web development capabilities. PowerBuilder and SnapDevelop is working fine. But, I could not activated Power Server. After installation I logged in to http://loc...
Hi All, me again (sorry). Trying to get the PowerClient working. I'm using IIS Express on the local machine. After deploying the PowerClient Project successfully, I click the "Run PowerClient Project button in the PowerBar" (I'm following the tutori...
Hi guys; I've noticed that the Appeon WorkSpace ID or the one provided by the of_getdeviceid() function is not really unique. There are Android devices, in a client application, where this ID is exactly the same. Is it an Appeon Workspace bug? or i...

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