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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
If possible, please share it on CodeXchange and post the link here.   Thanks!...
I'm upgrading from PB 12.5 to 2019 R2 (build 2353) and have come across a problem.  We have a structure that is a set of arrays of each type of variable, that we use to generalize passing parameters.  One of the variable types is an array of powerobj...
PB2019R3Pbc12.1The PBv12.1 code is a separate EXE called from the PB2019 app using the RUN command.The PBv12.1 code starts and gets the Windows Handle of the calling window.What I want to do is to cast the Handle into a datatype so I can directly ref...
Hellow, I am tring to capture picture from webcam using webcam.js.( see an example here: https://makitweb.com/how-to-capture-picture-from-webcam-with-webcam-js/ ) Then, I want to load this page with PB webbrowser. The problem is that when using th...
Hello, PB 2019 R3 2 windows - 1 view window and 1 edit window view window list all required records from a table and when double clicked it opens the edit window with data for that row.  Both view window and edit window are open now [in a mdi wind...
We're using PB 2017 R3 and making SOAP-based web service calls via the httpclient. From our client system, we call an internal API that we host that serves as a wrapper for a 3rd party API to process credit card payments. Everything has been workin...
In the Ribbonbar Builder, it generates XML file with names of events to trigger on Clicked event. How is this XML file deployed if users could change the event names by editing the XML file to access windows that they may not have access to? They cou...
I Installed the last build SnapDevelop 2703 but now I cant see my PB workspace anymore in my solution explorer and the button to add a PB workspace when right-clicking on the solution has disappeared......
How do I connect Powerbuilder to TFS as my source control but my source control does not list "Microsoft Team Foundation Server" as an option to choose in the pulldown list?...
I am trying to migrate a web service application, running on IIS, from PB 11.5 to PB 2019 R3. When I tried to run the web service, I got the DataWindow Server PBDWM150.DLL or required DLLs (atl71.dll, msvcp71.dll or msvcr71.dll) not foundI understa...
PowerBuilder 12.1, b7055PowerBuilder 2019R3, b2703SummaryI need a way to pass PowerBuilder data from one PB app to another, separate PB app. DetailsI discovered that our invoice production process was literally 5 times slower in PB2019R3 than in PB1...
We recently upgraded from PB 12.6 to PB 2019 R3 (yes, we're a bit slow).Like some others, we too are experiencing a drastic reduction in performance.Opening some windows takes double the time of what they used to. A specific composite datawindow now ...
Hi In our experience, we never deployed pb system tables such as dbo.pbcattbl with our application developed by PB before. But our customer found some DB error messages through MS SQL Profiler: SQL:BatchStarting select pbd_fhgt, pbd_fwgt, p...
Hi Our application development is based on 2019 r3. I ran into a crash/exception running the application. The crash occurs in the C external function defined as : function long ShellExecuteA( ulong hWnd, string Operation, string lpFile, string lpPa...
Dear All,  Today 1 user reported that system pops up the error message "Error Number 39" below when she attempted to save data.  This victim reported that this error message pops up intermittently, sometimes encountered several occurrences in one d...
  Hi, I have managed to implement this successfully on development pc. The testing of 64 bit .pbd is also sucecessful. However, the deployment of this to 64 bit client pc return (smtpDisconnect) returns code -99 - timeout.   May I please have a...
Hi,  I am using PB 2019 R3.  Can UI Themes directory and its files be added to the resource file for deployment?  Thank You....
For PB 2017R2, when a DW Update() is executed and there are inserts, updates and deletes being performed, is there a predefined sequence of how the SQL statements will be generated and executed?  Or, is there a way to order the SQL?...
Hello, Just migrated to 2019 R3 from 2019 R2 and I found an issue when exporting a report to NativePDF.  This worked correctly in 2019 R2.  Now in R3 when I export a report to PDF where the printing is right up to the right margin but not over it, i...
Hi team, I tried PDF method as NativePDF! but computed fields are not showing and design also not matching? Could you please advise on this request? Basically we are trying, with out ghostscript & pdf craeater save to PDF just like shown to th...

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