Featured Questions

Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hello to all I have a question from Noob. I'm studying how to create a DLL in Visual Studio C # and invoke it in Powerbuilder. Unfortunately I have an error: Bad runtime function reference .... What am I doing wrong? Thanks for the reply....
Hi PowerSphere Just stumpled over this more than 10 years old article - https://www.computerworld.com/article/2541481/data-center/the-top-10-dead--or-dying--computer-skills.html Note they mentions PowerBuilder is still Trucking on. Yeah .......
 Yesterday I asked about an issue where I stopped getting error messages when I make a mistake creating a script.  One reply said to try re-installing.  The other said to see if I resized the window improperly.  Its not a problem with the window s...
When Powerbuilder 2017 R3 is released in July will it be possible to develop and test PowerServer Web applications using the Universal Edition?  I understand that a PowerServer  Web license is required to use PowerServer Web for production applicatio...
Hello, We have a small problem with the pbc170.exe Compiler. We included in our project the pbdom170.pbd (c:\program files (x86)\appeon\shared\powerbuilder\pbdom170.pbd). If we compile the project in the Powerbuilder2017 IDE everything works as i...
Hello, we are testing new httpclient and jsonparser objects. Which additional files do we need to include for compiled PB application to make these features work? Interesting thing is that without required files compiled apps does not throw ...
In the PowerBuilder script editor - I stopped getting error messages when I make a mistake creating a script. For example, suppose I make a typing mistake and spell the name of a variable incorrectly.  When I try to save I used to get a message st...
I see that this is available for download today.  Is there a list of changes/fixes included in this? ...
Hi PowerSphere. Just downloaded (again) the PFC2017 - and noticed an issue. the pfc_w_grid object in pfcdwsrv.pbl is referring pfc_u_cb - it should have been u_cb I'm not into git yet ( though I did se Bruce's webinar) - so who could...
SQL server used is MS SQL 2012 and I can connect it with Native Client (OLE DB) without problems from PB 2017R2 Database profiles. When I copy connection setting I get : // Profile Mara_test_Native SQLCA.DBMS = "SNC SQL Native Client(OLE DB)" SQ...
Good morning all, I'm looking for the Adobe dlls needed for Adobe ole objects. I'm trying to import data into an acrobat template, see below. pdfapp.connecttonewobject("AcroExch.App")   We recently purchased Adobe Pro and I can...
Hi Since at least Version 12.5, if a DW control had the Autosize Height property enabled, ligatures (for some fonts like for example Calibri) were turned off, while if Autosize Height is disabled, ligatures were turned on. See example: Sinc...
Hello, I'm just testing the new built in Richtext Control (TE Edit Control) in PB 2017 R2. I'm using the richtext control as well as the datawindow richtext edit style. As previous mentioned in this posthttps://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q...
The list of known issues with SVN/Git source control in PB 2017 R2 at https://www.appeon.com/support/documents/appeon_online_help/pb2017r2/release_bulletin_for_pb/ch02s02.html includes this item: If you use the new Git/SVN feature, OrcaScript wo...
Hi, Is it appropriate to expect working and usable application with Appeon PowerServer mobile and Workspace, optimized for offline mode, on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or 4.4 (KitKat) devices with 1GB of RAM. Specifically, Motorla/Zebra TC55 (https:/...
Hello Is a maintenance release scheduled before 2017R3 (July 31 2018)?   GIMMY ...
An application, that we recently converted from PB12.5.2 to PB2017, opens documents thus ll_rc = ShellExecuteW ( Handle( gw_mdi ), "open", ls_path , ls_null, ls_null, 1 ) where ls_path is the full path & filename. If the file is a PDF and the def...
I'm running PB2017. I've created a window which has a picture control and transparent background text control. All is fine when I place the text control over anywhere on the window, including on picture controls, the background remains transp...
Hello GURU I have a problem on PB2017R2 + GIT + PULL I try to give you the details of how I operated: 1) I have 2 programmers correctly configured with a project under GIT 2) both have nothing to commit or push. The git status from all al...
Hello, My project has an "includes" folder with a few PBDs in it, that is included in the working copy via an svn:externals property (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.externals.html). This causes errors when attempting to do an S...

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