Featured Questions

Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi all, Just curious how everyone is incorporating Help Topic in their app.  About 20 years ago, we used RoboHelp, but I haven't maintained it since then... and don't even know where the Help file we created is.   Embarrassing.  Creating and maintai...
Can anyone assist me with the code to capture executed datawindow SQL into a string variable using sqlspy? My intention is to save the captured code in an audit table to record database changes effected by Users. I'm using PowerBuilder ver 2019R3...
Hi! I have a client with an ancient ERP system built with PowerBuilder Enterprise 8.03 that needs some modifications to hold them over until they are ready to finally upgrade their system.  I would like to help them, but I simply cannot find a versi...
Me again! I have 32-bit and 64-bit versions of my app.  The app includes the ability to email documents.  But, if the customer is running the 32-bit version, and the Outlook version they have installed is 64-bit, they  get an error.  And visa-versa....
Hello, I installed PB 2019 R3, but when I go to the Database Profiles Window, MSOLEDBSQL SQL Server is not listed. I tried rerunning the installer, but there was nothing new to install. I've installed the Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18.5 for SQL Ser...
Hi, we are looking to hire a graduate programmer to help out with our Powerbuilder and API development. It's bee a while since I learnt Powerbuilder, so I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations on training a programmer new to Powerbuilder. The...
I want you to know that I'm completely new about using RibbonBar. Now here my problem. I created a ribbonbar thru the RibbonBar Tool. Everything looks good in the design. When I run the application thru the IDE the ribbonbar is loaded and it displ...
Hi all, With all the problems I was having with the Brother printer COM server, I thought I'd try writing my own in C# (VS2015). Mine is very simple right now. It just prints a sample label.  I wrote a second C# console program to test... works fine...
  cloudinstaller download error:   HTTP Error 404.2 - Not Found: The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the ISAPI and CGI Restriction list settings on the Web server.   This can occur if IIS has the exe file types mapped to CgiMo...
I have recently updated a 20+ year old PowerBuilder app that, before migration, was using an Oracle 7 driver to connect without issue to an Oracle 11 database. After switching to the ORA Oracle driver (the one meant for Oracle 11,12,19), it causes th...
I remember i did this long ago and it worked (in PB version 10 probably).I export syntax of an external datawindow then add some data in it and Imported it back into either dll or pbd depending build type.the "data(" is searched from the exported ext...
I would like to disable the normal expand/collapse behavior when doubleclicking on a treeview node. Is this possible? If not, if I add code to the Doubleclicked event handler to "take over" the expand/collapse state, would this happen before or afte...
Hi all, So my Beta Tester found something strange (and unacceptable) in one of my windows.  In the app, there are 4 windows each with a folder object. Each folder object is inherited from the pfc's u_tab object. This strange behavior is only happeni...
Update:  I found it:C:\Users\Public\Documents\Appeon\PowerBuilder 19.0\Code Examples\Example App ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PB2019R3, build 2703Where is the EXAMPLES application? I've looked and cannot find it! I want to see code that ...
PS 2022 beta, IIS webserver/webapi   Getting the following error: Failed to download the file "http://myservername.com:80/myappname/1.01/mypbd.pbd/_indexes.idx.zip"; ErrorCode: 500; Error: (null).   the file exists, and a MIME exists for zip fil...
Hi All, I have migrated my power builder 10 application to Power builder 21. Now I am trying to migrate my PSR files to version 21. I have downloaded Infomaker 21. Can anyone help me to get the migration steps? Thanks Rohith...
In my 2019R3 development environment I have a database profile setup to an ODBC connection defined for a postgres database. The schema for the tables in this database is in postgres instead of public. The connection works, but I get a message saying...
Hi, Does anybody know how to get PowerServer to include datawindows against temporary tables in the cs-solution ? In our application we have some datawindows which are created to work against temporary tables. When we create the PowerServer solutio...
Hi: I finished my application then deployed OK,the execution file could run normally at my computer,but will display message "Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL) is not installed" when it started at other computers,would you can give...
Hi all, Is there a way to determine the "bitness" of an application at runtime?  I'd like to update my About window to include (Version, 64-bit) or (Version, 32-bit).  Right now it just displays (Version).  Using PB2021 and PFC12.5. ~~~Tracy...

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