I want you to know that I'm completely new about using RibbonBar. Now here my problem. I created a ribbonbar thru the RibbonBar Tool. Everything looks good in the design. When I run the application thru the IDE the ribbonbar is loaded
and it display in the window expectacular. Now when I Click in any of the RibbonBar control in the different section no action is executed.
I create the ribbonbar and I placed the user event in the clicked section of it in the xml file. here one of the actual xml line: under the Master Section:
<Item Text="Client Module" PictureName="AccountBig!" Checked="false" Enabled="true" Shortcut="F2" Tag="Client Module" Type="0" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_clientmodule"></Item>
Under the Category section:
<LargeButton Text="Client Module" PictureName="AccountBig!" Checked="false" DefaultCommand="true" Enabled="true" PowerTipText="Client Module" PowerTipDescription="Production Client Module" Tag="Client Module" Visible="true" Clicked="ue_clientmodule" /> I have the user event create in the window and in the RibbonBar object with the following code:
//cch rrb_1 user event ue_clientmodule
parent.event dynamic ue_clientmodule()
//cch window user Event ue_clientmodule SetPointer (hourglass!) //cch instanciate client window w_client lw_client //cch instanciate structure to pass values to the open window str_general lstr_gen lstr_gen.original_win = this OPENWITHPARM(lw_client, lstr_gen)
The Ribbonbar shows on the window and It looks fantastic but no action been executed. For sure I am missing something for this new future to work. please any advise will be greatly appreciated. I did follow the RibbonBar example app. Everything looks ok to me but because I am new to this nice Ribbonbar object for sure I am missing something. Regards,