When I use this postman to send the data through API, database accepting all data.
But, When I am use powerbuilder http method, database inserting a row without data (with 200 responsecode). what is the wrong in my code ?
Below my script
jsoncontent_ = '"patient_first_name": "'+patient_first_name+'",'+&
'“patient_middle_name”: “'+patient_middle_name+'”,'+&
'“patient_last_name”: “'+patient_last_name+'”
shahttpclient.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "form-data")
res_ = shahttpclient.SendRequest('POST', link_,jsoncontent_)
I modified like below..
shahttpclient.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
res_ = shahttpclient.SendRequest('POST', link_,'patient_first_name=test name)
Now it is working....