Hi David,
Please notice that PowerServer is using the same runtime as native PowerBuilder except for some database-related operations (e.g.: retrieve/update...). The CreateDirectory function is the same as the native PowerBuilder.
If you want to create a multi-folder path like C:\user1\temp\logfiles, you need to make sure "C:\user1" and "C:\user1\temp\" exist. Otherwise, you need to create these folders first. You can test the CreateDirectory function in the native PowerBuilder app.
Alternatively, you can extend a function of_createdirectorytree if not such a function in your current framework. E.g.:
Long ll_pos
Long ll_start = 1
String ls_tmp
If Right(as_directorytree, 1) <> "\" Then as_directorytree = as_directorytree + "\"
ll_pos = Pos( as_directorytree, "\", ll_start)
Do While ll_pos > 0
ls_tmp = Trim(Left( as_directorytree, ll_pos - 1))
If Len(ls_tmp) = 0 Then Return -1
If DirectoryExists( ls_tmp ) = False Then
If Createdirectory( ls_tmp ) = -1 Then Return -1
End If
ll_start = ll_pos + 1
ll_pos = Pos( as_directorytree, "\", ll_start)
Regards, Logan