1. Anthony Mancuso
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Monday, 20 May 2019 13:42 PM UTC

I am trying to create a new data window by sourcing an Oracle Stored procedure. The stored procedure has compiled and been tested using Oracle SQL Developer. It runs fine. However when i try to create a data window it throws a Date Error before i can even see the created data window to enter retrieval arguments.

We are using Oracle 12c and PB 2017-2

create or replace
PROCEDURE effective_date_report(from_eff_date in date,
thru_eff_date in date,
v_cursor out sys_refcursor)


OPEN v_cursor FOR
select a.spa_nbr,
f.spa_status_cd as "spa_status" ,
c.spa_fed_dols as "spa_fi_gross_sfy_dols",
b.prem_contact_name as "spa_prog_contact_name",
b.pcvg_contact_name as "spa_cms_contact_name",
b.spau_contact_name as "spa_spau_contact_name"
from state_plan.spa_hdr a,
state_plan.spa_contact_leads b,
state_plan.spa_sum_fi_fed_dols c,
state_plan.spa_max_status_date d,
state_plan.spa_upl_cont e,
state_plan.max_status_data f
where a.spa_eff_date >= from_eff_date
and a.spa_eff_date <= thru_eff_date
and a.spa_nbr not in(select spa_nbr from state_plan.finalized_spas)
and a.spa_nbr not in(select spa_nbr from state_plan.spas_on_hold)
and a.spa_nbr = b.spa_nbr
and a.spa_nbr = c.spa_nbr
and a.spa_nbr = d.spa_nbr
and a.spa_nbr = e.spa_nbr
and a.spa_nbr = f.spa_nbr
and d.spa_status_date = f.spa_status_date;





Can anyone give me a clue? Thanks

Anthony Mancuso Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 22 May 2019 11:10 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

I figured it out. On the Connection Profile, I had specified the Date Format, Date Time Format, Time format.  By removing what I specified, PB went to the Oracle Database and used its date format and my datawindow created without the wizard aborting. I tested it and it worked fine.

Thanks for all your help everyone.

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DIPANJAN DUTTA Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 22 May 2019 04:58 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Check NLS Date format at your system


And pass the date from PB as per NLS_DATE_FORMAT....in my case it format is 'DD-MON-RR'....and I have passed 20-MAY-19..in date format and it work fine.

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DIPANJAN DUTTA Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 21 May 2019 06:30 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 3

I have tried this and its working fine for me

  1. Change Procedure input parameter from Date to varchar2
  2. Incorporate TO_DATE function in where clause to convert varchar2 to date
  3. I am using “dd/mm/yyyy” format, you can change it as per your requirement

Here is the sample procedure

Create Or Replace Procedure sp_bookissuelist(as_issue_date varchar2, refcur_booklist OUT sys_refcursor)



    OPEN refcur_booklist For


                S.SUBJECT_NAME subject_name, 

                B.TITLE book_title,

                A.FIRST_NAME || ' ' || A.LAST_NAME author_name 


                AUTHORS A,

                BOOKS B,

                SUBJECT S,

                BookIssue I


                A.ID = B.AUTHOR_ID


                B.SUBJECT_ID = S.SUBJECT_ID


                I.BOOK_ID =   B.ID


                ISSUE_DATE >= to_date(as_issue_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy');

END sp_bookissuelist;


Following is the sample code to Call it from PB

Date       ldt_BookIssueDate

ldt_BookIssueDate = Date('20/05/2019')

MessageBox("String", String(ldt_BookIssueDate))

ls_proc = "DataWindow.Table.Procedure=" +'"' + "1 execute sp_bookissuelist; " + &

                                                          "@ad_issue_date = " + "'" + String(ldt_BookIssueDate) + "'" + '"'

MessageBox("Modify OK", dw_bookdetails.Modify (ls_proc))

dw_bookdetails.SetTransObject( g_connect)


  1. Anthony Mancuso
  2. Tuesday, 21 May 2019 11:06 AM UTC
I did think about doing it this way but i should not have to. Powerbuilder should know better.
  1. Helpful
  2. Tuesday, 21 May 2019 11:56 AM UTC
Just pass String type variable in retrial argument instead of date ........change DW retrieval argument type date / datetime to string........also change your proc. input argument type and where clause as per your date formatting.....It will work.
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DIPANJAN DUTTA Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 21 May 2019 05:08 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 4

Hi Anthony

I thing you are using Oracle, please first check your default data format using Syadate in DB.

Then Send the same format when you call it from PB

  1. Anthony Mancuso
  2. Tuesday, 21 May 2019 11:05 AM UTC
I did:

select sysdate from from dual

I got

5/21/2019 07:03:11

The data window wizard errors as shown above before i can specify any retrieval arguments.

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mike S Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 20 May 2019 17:03 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 5

show us how you have the parameters in the datawindow defined

  1. Anthony Mancuso
  2. Tuesday, 21 May 2019 11:02 AM UTC
Hi Mike thanks for responding. I can't show you these because i don't get that far in the create data window process to even specify them. The datawindow wizard blows up with the error message before that.
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