I have a 8 NUP datawindow which returns hundreds of rows
The way the data represents onscreen is 8 results per row and the datawindow is sized so that 3 rows per screen is shown.
I have a VCR like button to navigate between the 'pages' and this text label will show them what page # of #pages they are on.
Example: 547 Rows yields 23 pages worth. First 22 pages are 24 per onscreen page and then 19 on final page.
I created a computed field on the datawindow to show the PageAbs() absolute page # which works,
string ( PageAbs() ) + " / " + string ( PageCount() )
However, It shows the PageAbs() on each of the 3 rows of 8 , how can i prevent the 2nd and 3rd copies of the value from showing / visible ?
Users only need to see the #currentPage / #Pages only once.
1. Use the following formula for the visible property of the page counter: if( getrow() = Long( describe( "DataWindow.FirstRowOnPage" ) ), 1, 0 )
2. Instead of scrolling to the found row, scroll to the 1st, 25th, 49th, etc. row instead to make sure you land at the proper start of the page.