I found this code somewhere on Appeon website to initiate SMTP from PowerBuilder 2022.
SmtpClient lsc_mail
lsc_mail = Create SmtpClient
I'm getting an error "Illegal data type SmtpClient"
How do I solve this error?
I found some posting saying that SMTP related PBL needs to be downloaded from Appeon website, but I'm not sure where I can find it. Is this really the issue?
Thank you.
I'm checking the operation of smtp client with PB 2022 R2 right now
I'm using the demo app append with the installer.
Unfortunately, the sent e-mail reaches without a message title and without body
("This message does not contain text content") ??
The attachment has been submitted correctly.
There are issues with the current SMTP feature in the R2 Beta as tracked in various tickets. Currently, ticket #10255 has the most "hot fixes" in various SMTP areas. So you probably will not be too successful in your SMTP testing for the moment. These issues though will be fixed by the time GA is released. Sorry for the testing inconvenience.
Regards .. Chris