Using PB 2022 R2 Build 2819 (64 bit) + TopWizProgramming RunAndWait
I'm trying to install two drivers (depending on choice, PostgreSQL or SQLite) through my application, if not available. I check for driver availability and call runandwait, if a particular driver is not found, through the command.
For PostgreSQL Driver
/* To silently install the driver */
ls_exe = "E:\Postgresql\driver\psqlodbc-setup.exe"
ls_exe = '"' + ls_exe + '"' + ' /quiet'
If Not lo_run.runandwait(ls_exe, 3) Then
ls_errormsg = lo_run.LastErrorText
MessageBox('Error', ls_errormsg, StopSign!)
ll_ret = -1
ll_ret = 1
End If
For SQLite Driver
/* To silently install SQLite Driver */
ls_exe = "E:\SQLite\driver\sqliteodbc_w64.exe"
ls_exe = '"' + ls_exe + '"' + ' /S'
If Not lo_run.runandwait(ls_exe, 3) Then
ls_errormsg = lo_run.LastErrorText
MessageBox('Error', ls_errormsg, StopSign!)
ll_ret = -1
ll_ret = 1
End If
PostgreSQL asks a confirmation message and installs. No issues.
I get the following message while installing SQLite.
The requested operation requires elevation.
Is there is any way that a program could be executed in elevated mode, through RunAndWait?
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash