1. Ross Chu
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Tuesday, 5 December 2023 02:47 AM UTC

Hi All,
Would you kindly advise below, thanks:
My application is built by PowerBuilder 2019 R3 Build 2779, I know it has a tool which can package the PowerBuilder Runtime files into an .msi file:

But I’d like to know if there is any tool can package our application folder into an .msi file so that I can install the .msi file on user’s machine to run my application.
My application folder contains related files and folders, e.g. .exe, .pbd, .dll, .jar, .bmp, .ini and so on

Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 5 December 2023 03:37 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Ross;

  Appeon PB does not include an Application Installation tool but, there are many free open source installer that you can use. Just Google around for a list of available software installers that might suit your need(s).

  FWIW: I use the NSIS free open source installer... https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Main_Page

  Another popular free open source one is INNO Set-up installer...https://jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php

FYI: https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/create-installation-package


Regards ... Chris 


  1. Miguel Leeuwe
  2. Tuesday, 5 December 2023 03:51 AM UTC
Hi Chris,

Unfortunately those don't create MSI installers, but EXEs.

You can have a look at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/win32/msi/windows-installer-portal?redirectedfrom=MSDN or

at the https://wixtoolset.org/

We use the wix toolset and it does have a learning curve, but once you've got it setup, very few changes are needed. I'd rather generate EXEs and use more simple tools, but some of our customers demand MSI installers.

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  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 5 December 2023 15:47 PM UTC
That is another good suggestion Miguel.
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Armeen Mazda @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 5 December 2023 03:49 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Hi Ross, How about using PowerClient.  Then you don't need to create an installer plus it auto-updates your app.  https://www.appeon.com/products/power-client

  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 5 December 2023 15:49 PM UTC
Hi Ross;

Adding to Armeen's excellent suggestion ... "As long as deploying your PB Apps via a Web Server is doable for you" - this is a another great option to consider and it's a standard feature included in the PB product.

Regards ... Chris
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