We are building our own simple filter window, adapting from the PFC version but changing it to our own desired specs.
We want to show a drop-down list of column names that can be filtered on, and have that be exactly the data column names (the names coming from the SQL).
We were originally using the list from dw.Object.Datawindow.Objects, and using the restrictions available in the PFC code for that window to restrict it to what it considered to be "columns". But that had various problems, including on a DW where there were two displayed fields showing the data from the same SQL column - both of them showed up on the list.
So we changed to getting the column names by first getting dw.Object.Datawindow.Column.Count, then getting the names via dw.Describe("#1.name") etc.
That is basically giving what we want, except for one thing really weird in that same DW mentioned above with two display fields showing data from the same SQL column. Those fields are named "amount" and "amount_1" (with the data column being named "amount") and what is showing up from the Describe call is just one name, "amount_1".
Why would that be, and is there anything we can do about that? I really thought that sort of Describe call would give the real data column names, not display field names.
Another note is that if there is no column() display object with the given ID value, the name from the column in the table() section is used for the value of Describe("#n.name").
We do NOT want all of the names of the display columns in the filter list, only the names of the data columns, so adding a 2nd instance of the column in the original SQL would be the wrong solution for us.