To obtain properties of all secondary monitors, you need a (windows) handle to the monitor. The "proper" way to obtain monitor handles is via the EnumDisplayMonitors Windows API, but this requires a callback function - which is not possible using pure PowerScript. If you have a window or a screen coordinate to test, you can obtain a monitor handle, but the virtual screen (the rectangle that encompasses all visible display monitors) is not always completely covered by monitors and virtual screen coordinates can be negative, so it is not obvious what coordinate(s) you should test.
So I came up with a "brute force" method that seems to work on my two-monitor system. The approach uses some Windows API functions and Windows structures, but the code is all PowerScript. The script calls the GetSystemMetrics, MonitorFromPoint and GetMonitorInfoEx API functions and uses the PB equivalent of the Windows POINT, RECT and MONITORINFOEX structures.
Attached is a zip file containing a small, single-window app named MonitorInfo, written in PB 2017. The Clicked event script for the command button labelled "Info About All Monitors" obtains size information about all monitors and displays that information in a series of message boxes, one for each monitor.
You should be able to adapt the code to satisfy your needs.
Best regards, John
I meant the screen size (the width adn the height) in pixel of my second screen.
Thank you for answer.