1. Clarence Chamorro
  2. PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
  3. Monday, 13 August 2018 11:19 AM UTC

Good morning,

How can I find out what lenguage the phone is using? 

Could you Please direct me to a document or sample where i can see what lenguage the user selected in the phone. It will be greatly appreciated. 



Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 13 August 2018 16:23 PM UTC
  2. PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
  3. # 1

Hi Clarence;

  Unfortunately, the eon_mobile_device object class does not expose the device's current language information. Neither does the Cordova "cordova-plugin-device" object class.

  Please submit a support ticket for this as a PowerServer Mobile enhancement.

Regards ... Chris

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