1. Praburaj KarthiKeyan
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Wednesday, 15 December 2021 13:23 PM UTC


how to converting string (Hexadecimal) to base64 ? 

Base64Encode () is coverting only TEXT ,Not as Hexadecimal values 

Hexadecimal = "010c426f6273205265636f726473020f3331303132323339333530303030330314323032322d30342d32355431353a33303a30305a0407313030302e303005063135302e3030" and the equeal right base64  is " AQxCb2JzIFJlY29yZHMCDzMxMDEyMjM5MzUwMDAwMwMUMjAyMi0wNC0yNVQxNTozMDowMFoEBzEwMDAuMDAFBjE1MC4wMA==" .

NOT currect base64  is "MDEwRDQ4NDE0QzQxMjA0MTU1NTQ0RjIwNDM2RjJFMDIwRjMzMzAzMDM5MzczMzM5MzYzNzMyMzAzMDMwMzAzMzAzMEEzMTM1MkQzMDM4MkQzMjMwMzIzMTA0MDkzNTM1MkMzNDMzMzAyRTMwMzAwNTA4MzcyQzMyMzMzMDJFMzAzMA==" but Base64Encode () is give it .



Accepted Answer
René Ullrich Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 15 December 2021 14:39 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink
string ls_hex = "010c426f6273205265636f726473020f3331303132323339333530303030330314323032322d30342d32355431353a33303a30305a0407313030302e303005063135302e3030"
Coderobject lcod_hex
blob lblb_hex
string ls_Base64Str

lcod_hex = create Coderobject
lblb_hex = lcod_hex.hexdecode (ls_hex)

ls_Base64Str = lcod_hex.Base64Encode(lblb_hex)

DESTROY lcod_hex

MessageBox ("Base64", ls_Base64Str)
// ls_base64str = "AQxCb2JzIFJlY29yZHMCDzMxMDEyMjM5MzUwMDAwMwMUMjAyMi0wNC0yNVQxNTozMDowMFoEBzEwMDAuMDAFBjE1MC4wMA=="
  1. Praburaj KarthiKeyan
  2. Thursday, 16 December 2021 13:14 PM UTC
Dear René Ullrich, U R Code Working good. Thanks
  1. Helpful
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