1. Glenn Barber
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Tuesday, 23 July 2024 00:20 AM UTC

We are using PB17 and SQLAnywhere 17

We have a generalized routine whereby we can pass a SQL query which takes one argument.

The problem is that some queries need to reference the same argument more than once.

As we understand it - if you use the ? argument placeholder more than once - the system assumes as separate argument associated with each occurrance of the argument - hence the follwing fails

SELECT metadatavalue from propmetadata where metadatatypecd = 'SHORTSYNOPSIS' AND propassetid in (SELECT propassetid from propasset where propno = (left(?, 8) + 'S00') AND langcd = SUBSTRING(?, 16, 3) AND langusecd = SUBSTRING(?, 20, 3))

where the following single parameter reference works

SELECT metadatavalue from propmetadata where metadatatypecd = 'SHORTSYNOPSIS' AND propassetid in (SELECT propassetid from propasset where propno = (left(?, 8) + 'S00')  

We tried the following (noted as working in other database implementations) - which also doesnt work.

SELECT metadatavalue from propmetadata where metadatatypecd = 'SHORTSYNOPSIS' AND propassetid in (SELECT propassetid from propasset where propno = (left(?1, 8) + 'S00') AND langcd = SUBSTRING(?1, 16, 3) AND langusecd = SUBSTRING(?1, 20, 3))

Is there any way to do this in a straightforward manner??


Glenn Barber


René Ullrich Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 24 July 2024 06:00 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

You could try to rewrite your query. Something like this: (I'm not a sql anywhere expert!)

SELECT metadatavalue 
from propmetadata 
where metadatatypecd = 'SHORTSYNOPSIS' 
AND propassetid in 
  (SELECT propassetid 
   from propasset, 
        (select ? as param from sys.dummy) param_table
   where propno = (left(param_table.param, 8) + 'S00') 
     AND langcd = SUBSTRING(param_table.param, 16, 3) 
     AND langusecd = SUBSTRING(param_table.param, 20, 3))
  1. Glenn Barber
  2. Wednesday, 24 July 2024 16:35 PM UTC
Hi Rene

I tried something similar where using a derived value from the parameter and using that in the WHERE clause (seem to only work in SQL Anwhere) - However for some reason, it didnt work in the dynamic SQL

We were able to get it to work by creating a smart view which eliminated the complexity fo the query.

However the jury is still out whether there is a supported way to reference the same parameter more than once.

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Glenn Barber Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 23 July 2024 18:16 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Hi Chris

We are using the the following generalized routine to execute predefined general SQL statements (:ls_sql) where the argument is identified as ? in the string


Then calling this with where the value supplied in ls_arg populates the ? value

FETCH C1 INTO :ls_metadatavalue;

Are you saying that instead of using the ? in the predefined SQL we can use :var and it can be referenced multiple times in the SQL?







  1. Glenn Barber
  2. Tuesday, 23 July 2024 20:12 PM UTC
We tried replacing the ? with :var in the SQL passed in :ls_sql aand it didnt work. Are we missing something here?

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  1. René Ullrich
  2. Wednesday, 24 July 2024 05:53 AM UTC
From help of "Dynamic SQL Format 3": In the description for SQLStatement you can find: "reserved word substitution is not allowed". So you can only use "?" for parameters. A direct reference to PB variables in SQL is only possible for static cursors.

So I think the only way to have only one parameter is to rewrite the query (if possible, e.g. using the dummy system table).
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  1. Glenn Barber
  2. Wednesday, 24 July 2024 16:38 PM UTC
Yes - our conclusion was similar - we got around this using a view which simplified the query - your dummy selection was interesting and we may try that - although as I had noted previously - we had some problem with that.

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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 23 July 2024 17:29 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 3

Hi Glenn ;

  Why not just use a ":Var" variable declaration?

Alternatively if it's more complex, maybe use a Stored Procedure(s) instead.

Regards .. Chris

  1. Glenn Barber
  2. Wednesday, 24 July 2024 16:40 PM UTC
Doesn't seem to like named variable declarations in the SQL. We got around this using a view which simplified the dynamic query. However it would be nice if PB supported named vaiables as well as ?
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