1. Jon Stoller
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Tuesday, 26 June 2018 19:07 PM UTC

How can I pop up a "New Email" window in Microsoft Outlook from PowerBuilder. 

I am able to "Send" an email from PowerBuilder via Microsoft Outlook.  I can tell it the email address to send it to, enter the Subject, Text for the body, enter a CC, and attach a file.
PowerBuilder does send the email.  

However, instead of sending it, I need to pop up the New Email instead of sending it. 

NOTE:  Assume Outlook will be running and open for the user

How can I do this so the user sees the email before it is sent, ande let the user click on "Send" to send it.. 
The above items - subject, cc's, attachment, etc., should be in the new email when it pops up. 
I tried using the code that sends the email - see below - except I changed the "ole.item.Send" statement. 
However, I couldn't get it to create the email and put me in the Outlook window. 

Here is a screen sample of what I want the code to do. I would like it to pop up an outlook window like this:

The text below is a snapshot of the code I used it to send the email. 
To put the user into Outlook, is it a matter of just changing the "ole_item.send" instruction, or do I need to do something else?  
(NOTE - I took out most of the code to handle errors and bad return codes):

 String    ls_folderfile, ls_email_addr, ls_subject, ls_email_text_message, ls_sender_addr
 integer    li_return, li_result
 OLEObject ole_item, ole_attach, ole_outlook

 ole_outlook = Create OLEObject
 li_result = ole_outlook.ConnectToNewObject("outlook.application")
 if li_result <> 0 then
     Messagebox("Outlook Error","......")
     destroy ole_outlook
          li_return = -1
            ole_item = ole_outlook.CreateItem(0)
            ole_item.SentOnBehalfOfName = ls_sender_addr
            ole_item.To = ls_email_addr
            ole_item.Cc = 'cc@madeup.domain.com'
            ole_item.Subject = ls_subject
            ole_item.Body = ls_email_text_message + char(13)
            ole_attach = ole_item.Attachments

            ole_item.Send                 //Sends Email - How can I pop up the new email instead of Sending it ?
end if

 destroy ole_outlook

Thank you ahead of time for any help.
Jon Stoller
AKA Software

John Fauss Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 27 June 2018 20:14 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Here are links to a couple of MSDN topics I find invaluable when trying to coerce Outlook into doing what I need it to do from PowerBuilder:

Outlook Object Model Reference:

Object model (Outlook VBA Reference):

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mike S Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 26 June 2018 20:20 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

//ole_item.Send             //Sends Email - 

ole_item.Display  //pop up the new email instead of Sending it 

  1. Jon Stoller
  2. Wednesday, 27 June 2018 01:15 AM UTC
It works!

Thank you for the help.

  1. Helpful
  1. Jon Stoller
  2. Wednesday, 27 June 2018 01:23 AM UTC
Is there a list of other key words like this for Outlook? 

For other products ?

  1. Helpful
  1. Roland Smith
  2. Wednesday, 27 June 2018 11:15 AM UTC
Here is the Outlook docs. It is for 2007 but should be compatible with newer ones.


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