We have a pfc based app and want to dynamically change the MDI window's title background color (not the background of the windows which we can already change using mdi_1.backcolor)
It seems that windows assets a color based on the user's desktop preferences - but we would like to override in specific cases.
What is the specific property for the title background color and can it be overridden?
FWIW - I found some same C# Code for accessing these properties
var titleBar = m_AppWindow.TitleBar;
// Set active window colors
titleBar.ForegroundColor = Colors.White;
titleBar.BackgroundColor = Colors.Green;
// Set inactive window colors
titleBar.InactiveForegroundColor = Colors.Gainsboro;
titleBar.InactiveBackgroundColor = Colors.SeaGreen;
I am not sure an object to the far right or on the bottom would be sufficiently noticeable for them. But its worth thinking about.
However technically, you can position the UO where ever you like on the menu bar. Just adapt the UO Menu Bar code from the framework & refactor it to make it behave as you prefer. ;-)