Our PB Version : 12.5.2 Build 5652
Windows 7 SP1
Excel 2013
We are trying export data to an existing Excel File (template).
Our code:
string ls_fname transaction lt_tran ls_fname = "C:\Temp\Template.xlsx" TRY lt_tran = create transaction // Profile Excel lt_tran.DBMS = "OLE DB" lt_tran.AutoCommit = TRUE lt_tran.DBParm = "PROVIDER='Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0';DATASOURCE ='" + ls_fname + "';PROVIDERSTRING='Excel 12.0 XML;HDR=NO'" connect using lt_tran; if lt_tran.sqlcode <> 0 then messagebox("Error" , "Erreur de connexion au fichier d'entrée est " + ls_fname + " @ " + lt_tran.sqlerrtext, stopsign!) return -1 end if ll_row = dw_2.RowCount() // Ecrit les donnees de produits dans l'onglet 2 For ll_cpt = 1 to ll_row ls_select = 'insert into [Products] (F1,F2,F3,F4) (' ls_select += "'" + dw_2.Object.produits_code_produit[ ll_cpt ] +"'," ls_select += "'" + dw_2.Object.produits_ligne_produit_id[ ll_cpt ] +"'," ls_select += "'" + dw_2.Object.produits_nom_produit[ ll_cpt ] +"'," ls_select += "'" + dw_2.Object.produit_code_sh_code_hs[ ll_cpt ] +"'," ls_select += ")" EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :ls_select USING lt_tran; next FINALLY disconnect using lt_tran; destroy ld_dst destroy lt_tran END TRY
But we get an error at this line:
connect using lt_tran;
If we watch the content of lt_tran:
sqlerrortext= An error occurred, but error text could not be retrieved due to a failure in the error handler.
The file template is a empty excel file (xlsx) without macros or formulas.
Thank you
The problem was really the semicolon instead of a comma. I not tested yet rest of my code. The error blocked me at connection.