1. Konrad Kaltenbach
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Monday, 10 May 2021 09:18 AM UTC

Dear Experts,

I want to call VisualBasic for Application (VBA) macros and functions in Word or Excel documents which I have written myself out of/from PowerScript functions (instead of rewritting them in the PowerScript functions).

Is this possible?
If it is: How is the syntax?

Assume, I have an Excel file with a macro Macro1()  and a function Fct1(ByVal Something As String) As Integer  in Module1 of its VBAProject and a PowerScript function containing the following lines:

"String          ls_FileWithMacro
OLEObject     xlsInstanz

ls_FileWithMacro = ... // Full name of the Excel file

xlsInstanz = CREATE OLEObject
xlsInstanz.connecttoobject( ls_FileWithMacro )"

How could I call Macro1 and/or Fct1 afterwards?

Thanks in advance for all trials to help me.
Kind regards,
Konrad Kaltenbach

Accepted Answer
Konrad Kaltenbach Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 10 May 2021 14:44 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink

Before calling functions and subroutines (like SaveAs e. g.) provided by VBA you have to activate the window with the office application first*. And if you want to call your own stuff this is sufficient, too:

lole_Win = xlsInstanz.Application.Windows(ls_nameOfExcelFile)


// Now the following calls are successful without exception:

xlsInstanz.Application.Run("Makro1") //
xlsInstanz.application.run("Modul1.Makro1") //
xlsInstanz.application.run("Makro3", "line1: Greetings from", "line2: PowerScript") //
xlsInstanz.application.run("Modul1.Makro3", "line1", "line2") //
ll = long(xlsInstanz.application.run("Makro2", "line1: Waiting for", "line2: an integer")) //
messagebox("ll: " , String(ll))


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René Ullrich Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 10 May 2021 09:44 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Konrad,

you can call the Run method of the Application object:





  1. Konrad Kaltenbach
  2. Monday, 10 May 2021 12:22 PM UTC
Hi René,

thanks for your answer.

Application.Run did work sometimes but now it doesn't anymore. I don't know why. In detail:

For testing Application.Run I defined the following in an Excel document:

Sub Makro1()

MsgBox ("Message defined" & vbCrLf & "within VBA.")

End Sub

Function Makro2(ByVal mess As String, _

ByVal mess2 As String) As Integer

MsgBox (mess & vbCrLf & mess2)

Makro2 = 1

End Function

Sub CallMakro2()

Call Makro2("vb interner", "Aufruf")

End Sub

Sub Makro3(ByVal mess As Variant, _

ByVal mess2 As Variant)

MsgBox (mess & vbCrLf & mess2)

End Sub.

In my PowerScript function I tried the following calls:

Long ll

xlsInstanz.application.run("Modul1.Makro1") // first it worked, now it doesn't anymore.

xlsInstanz.application.run("Makro3", "line1: Greetings from", "line2: PowerScript") // worked occasionally

xlsInstanz.application.run("Modul1.Makro3", "line1", "line2") // never worked

ll = long(xlsInstanz.application.run("Makro2", "line1: Waiting for", "line2: an integer")) // worked one time (?)

I'm at a loss.

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  1. René Ullrich
  2. Monday, 10 May 2021 13:15 PM UTC
At moment I don't know why this happens.

Try to catch the OLERuntimeError and see the Description property to get more information about the error.

I guess that the macro is not available on secend call. But I don't know why.
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Matt Balent Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 10 May 2021 13:26 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

I havn't done this in a while but once you have connected to the ole object you should be able to call the method.


xlsInstanz = CREATE OLEObject
xlsInstanz.connecttoobject( ls_FileWithMacro )

Assuming you have connected you can then


How would you call it in VBA?

  1. Konrad Kaltenbach
  2. Monday, 10 May 2021 14:22 PM UTC
xlsInstanz.nameofmacro() doesn't cause an error or throws an exception but is just ignored.

In VBA the following works:

Sub CallMakro2()

'VBA Excel macro

Call Makro1 ' works

Makro1 ' works

Call Makro2("VB internal", "call") ' works

End Sub

Thanks for your response.

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