1. Kevin Bell
  2. PowerServer
  3. Monday, 16 October 2023 21:18 PM UTC

We are trying to deploy a small app using PowerServer 2022 build 1900 and getting an error with deploylist access is unauthorized. Seems like not matter how I setup authorization, I'm unable to move past this issue.

We currently have this app running in PowerServer, however, it is running HTTP not HTTPS. 

Our goal with the HTTPS is to limit the AD users from access to the launcher or the application. If the user accessing the application is not in a specified AD group, then they should get the 401 error.

Below are some of my settings.

PowerServer App Object:




Authentication HTTPS:



Security for directory structure:


SYSTEM: Full permissions

PRIV_IdAdministration: Full permissions

PRIV_GV_ITDiskRev: Execute, List, Read

mmdev_installers: Execute, List, Read (I'm in this group)

Administrators: Full permissions

IIS_IUSRS:  Execute, List, Read


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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