Hello Everyone,
Seeking for help on the below issue.
Customer reported that datawindow grid lines are not visible when the rows are displaying in more than one page. Actually, grid lines exist, but grid lines color is adjusted automatically to light color by PowerBuilder.
Observed that changes in the grid line color is because of the color set in the detail band background color. Following is the expression set in detail band background color to set the white and grey background for the alternate rows –
if(mod(getrow(), 2) = 1, rgb(255,255,255), rgb(240,240,240)).
If the color is set to the same background for all the rows as below, then, grid lines are always visible with dark color. With that, we got to know the grid line color is managed internally by PowerBuilder and there is no option to change explicitly.
Expression: rgb(240,240,240)
Does anyone have any idea on how to set the grid line color explicitly? Or any alternative option to make the grid lines always dark.
Appreciate your help on this. Thanks in advance!
That sounds like a possible PB runtime issue. Please open a support ticket for this.
In the meantime though, you might want to change the theme's grid line settings to see if that helps. For example:
Regards ... Chris