1. Sverre Tvedt
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Thursday, 9 March 2023 16:49 PM UTC

Powerbuilder 2022 build 1892/ Windows 10

GIT central repository : Azure Devops (If it matters )

I get the message

" ---------- Source Control: Errors   (17:39:52)
Git detail error info: The path 'C:' does not exist in the given tree
Git client error code: Requested object could not be found. Because of invalid value in Author, Email, username, password, or local branch name, etc.
Failed to revert file.
Failed to do Git revert.
 ---------- Finished Errors   (17:39:53)"

This seems to have persisted since version 2021.

Everything else is working smoothly against central repository.



Sverre Tvedt


Sverre Tvedt Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Saturday, 6 July 2024 08:14 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1


In my case the problem is most likely that the revert operation is supposed to run under some unspecified , unknown system account that is lacking the proper credentials for execution. And those credentials are dictated by company group policy, outside my control. So I accepted the workaround:


Right-click on the PB-object to be reverted and select "Open Containing folder". Right-click on the corresponding file and select TortoiseGit (Or whatever 3.party GIT tool you are using). Do the the revert operation there.

Afterwards do a refresh in the PB object browser.


This function is needed extremely often so I don't understand why Appeon doesn't fix it.  Typically one messes up an object and wants to get back to the starting point.




  1. Ronnie Po
  2. Monday, 8 July 2024 16:52 PM UTC
Hi Sverre,

Thanks for pointing out the workaround. I agree - this sort of basic functionality should just work.


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Ronnie Po Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 5 July 2024 21:58 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Was there any resolution of this issue?

I'm experiencing the same thing - unable to perform a git revert.

PowerBuilder 2022 R3 Build 3356

Git version 2.45.1

GitHub repository

git commit, git push, git pull all work without issue (in this simple test)

Workspace resides in a directory under C:\Users\<username>\

Starting with local repository in sync, I made a simple change to an object.

Turned on detailed logging of source control activity.

From library painter, performed a git revert.

From the log file:

24-07-05 14:07:40 INFO: Git revert
24-07-05 14:07:40 INFO: Git client is finding files. Please wait...
24-07-05 14:07:40 INFO: Git client has finished finding files. 1 file(s) found.
24-07-05 14:07:41 INFO: Git client is reverting files. Please wait...
24-07-05 14:07:41 INFO: [Git Detail error] the path 'C:' does not exist in the given tree
24-07-05 14:07:41 INFO: Git detail error info: The path 'C:' does not exist in the given tree
24-07-05 14:07:41 INFO: Git client error code: Requested object could not be found. Because of invalid value in Author, Email, username, password, or local branch name, etc.
24-07-05 14:07:41 INFO: Failed to revert file.
24-07-05 14:07:42 INFO: Failed to do Git revert.
24-07-05 14:07:42 INFO: Git revert completed.

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