1. Marcin Jurkowski
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Friday, 8 April 2022 12:12 PM UTC


I just want to know if there is any special reason for GetJWTToken function if it's doing (almost) exactly the same as SendPostRequest.

I see that GetJWTToken has extra return status:  "-5 -- Failed to get token" (and has SendPostRequest "-10 -- The token is invalid or has expired") but in general they are doing the same and I need to extract token from the response json.

Q2. "-5 -- Failed to get token" - when can I except this status?


Accepted Answer
Kai Zhao @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 11 April 2022 07:23 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink

Hi Marcin,

Both SendPostRequest and GetJWTToken send the HTTP POST request to the server, and they need to extract token from the response json. Providing SetJWTToken & GetJWTToken and example code are mainly for users to access JWT Token.

For SendPostRequest returning -10:
After user sets the JWT token string to the HTTP request header, when SendPostRequest sends a request but the token is invalid or expired, it returns -10. Other interfaces have corresponding return values too, such as Submit, SendGetRequest. You can refer to the online documents for more information:

For GetJWTToken returning -5:
This is a mistake in the document, GetJWTToken does not return -5. For its return value, you can refer to SendPostRequest. In the meantime, we will correct the document.


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