We are using a find function to find the row number of a particular record. Initially it was used with the first two columns which are string data type, now on an enhancement we need to add two more new datatime columns in the find, but after adding this new columns its not working. any suggestions please..
Code which is not working:
ls_curr_code = dw_curr_rates_upd_fields.getitemstring( i, "cu_curr_code")
ls_cle_code = dw_curr_rates_upd_fields.getitemstring( i, "cu_cle_code")
ld_value_from = dw_curr_rates_upd_fields.GetItemdatetime(i,'value_date_from')
ld_value_to = dw_curr_rates_upd_fields.GetItemdatetime(i,'value_date_to')
ll_row = dw_sheet.find("cu_curr_code='"+ls_curr_code + "' and cu_cle_code='"+ ls_cle_code + ' " and value_date_from=" '+ String(ld_value_from) + ' " and value_date_to=" '+ String(ld_value_to)+ "' ",1, dw_sheet.rowcount( ) )
DateTime columns may also contain a time part. In this case you have to conert to datetime instead of date.