1. Andres Slachevsky
  2. PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
  3. Thursday, 29 November 2018 18:17 PM UTC

Hello All,

Any one have a simple example on how to combine the Appeon FileServer with the eon_mobile_camera

have a request for a demo for a car repair shop.

they want to take the picture of the damage of the car when it arrives 




Kai Zhao @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 30 November 2018 00:18 AM UTC
  2. PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
  3. # 1

Hi Andres,

Please use the eon_mobile_cameraex::of_openalbums function to open the album for the user to select a photo or video, for more details please refer to:

And please use the Appeon file service to help to upload/download file, for more details please refer to:

For example:

appeonfileservice lappeonfileservice
Long ll_retVal,ll_port
String ls_url,ls_ip,ls_password,ls_username
string ls_import_file_name, ls_filename
int li_last_pos

eon_mobile_cameraex leon

leon = create eon_mobile_cameraex
string ls_file
leon.of_takefile(1,true, ls_file)
destroy leon

ls_import_file_name = ls_file

if ls_import_file_name = '' then
Messagebox("file service", "Please select a file to upload.")
end if
//messagebox('1', ls_import_file_name)
// upload file to server -start
lappeonfileservice = CREATE appeonfileservice

IF ( IsValid( lappeonfileservice ) ) THEN

ll_retVal = lappeonfileservice.of_logonfileserver( '', 80, "username=userA;password=userA" ) // - mykul420

IF ( ll_retVal <> 0 ) THEN
MessageBox( 'File server error', 'Could not connect to file server !!!~r~nOperation aborted !', StopSign!, OK! )

lappeonfileservice.of_appeonupload( ls_import_file_name, '', false, ll_retVal)

IF ( ll_retVal <> 0 ) THEN
MessageBox( 'File server error', 'Could not upload the attached document to file server !!!~r~nOperation Aborted !', StopSign!, OK! )
ll_retVal = lappeonfileservice.of_logofffileserver()
IF ( ll_retVal <> 0 ) THEN
MessageBox( 'File server error', 'There was an error while disconnecting from the file server !!!~r~nOperation Aborted !', StopSign!, OK! )

DESTROY lappeonfileservice


BTW, comparing to PB, the Appeon application can support the "Picturename property is an Internet URL" for picture/picturebutton/picturehyperlink control ,Also, the property"display as picture" and "bitmap" function of the Datawindow can support Internet URL.

For example:
p_1.Picturename = ""
pb_1.Picturename = ""
phl_1.Picturename = ""



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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 29 November 2018 20:11 PM UTC
  2. PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
  3. # 2

Hi Andres;

  Why not store the image from the mobile camera capture directly to a database BLOB?

Regards ... Chris

  1. Andres Slachevsky
  2. Monday, 3 December 2018 16:32 PM UTC
Most of the application will use WebServices as a source of the data.

it must connect to a FireBird DB so the solution was to create a WebService and use the WebService in the Mobile App
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