Empty fields get spaces when exporting XLSX! in PB2019 not in PB2017
There are also no spaces when exporting Excel8!
Create an external datastore d_testemptyxlsx with 1 string field
datastore lds_test
Long ll_row
lds_test = CREATE datastore
lds_test.dataobject = 'd_testemptyxlsx'
ll_row = lds_test.insertrow( 0 )
lds_test.SaveAs( "C:\Temp\testxlsx.xlsx" , XLSX!, FALSE )
lds_test.SaveAs( "C:\Temp\testexcel8.xls" , Excel8!, FALSE )
DESTROY lds_test
(Copy/Past field A1 into a text editor)
In Excel the XLSX file testxlsx.xlsx field A1 will be " "
In the XLS file testexcel8.xls field A1 will be ""
In PB2017 field A1 is "" in both Excel8 and XLSX
This is blocking our applications from being converted to PB2019